Media RSS workshop covers integrating Wiredrive media into your website

A full house of developers and producers stopped by Wiredrive for a media RSS presentation about integrating Wiredrive reels into a website. Gourmet barbecue by catering and personal chef service Fairweather was served before Wiredrive Creative Director David Funkhouser and Web Developer Adam Portilla took the stage.

Workflow takeaways and code giveaways

All attendees were treated to useful information, some of which is covered in the Wiredrive Guide to Media RSS:

  • What is media RSS and how does it work?
  • How to manage website media and credits from Wiredrive
  • Wiredrive-powered website workflow best practices
  • A quick demonstration of building an actual site

Something for everyone

Funkhouser and Portilla aimed for the middle road between developer-centric information and explaining how mRSS works from a non-technical perspective for their presentation. Both groups of attendees appreciated the approach and found the information valuable. “Some of the stuff went over my head, but I understood it enough to at least talk to a developer,” one of the non-developer attendees said during the post-presentation reception. Many of the non-technical attendees also said that they felt more prepared to discuss Wiredrive mRSS integration projects with potential web developers as a result of coming to the workshop.

But the producers weren’t the only ones excited about what they heard. As early as Friday, excited developers were sharing their early explorations with technology using the sample code provided by Portilla.

Check out photos from the workshop.

By Lindsey Jones

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