Cut+Run and RSA win Cannes Lions Film Craft Grand Prix award

Congratulations to Cut+Run and RSA, part of the team honored in the new Cannes Film Craft awards category. Their work on Podarok (The Gift), a cinematic thriller written and directed by RSA’s Carl Erik Rinsch and edited by Cut+Run’s Dayn Williams and Dan Swietlik, helped earn the Grand Prix award.

The project was part of an innovative Philips campaign titled Parallel Lines, in which RSA directors created five very different films from one piece of dialogue. You can see all the work on the Philips website: using the Philips “Ambiplayer” – a special online media player designed to recreate the effect of viewing on a Philips’ television.

Dayn Williams, who’s previously collaborated with Rinsch, called Podarok “an amazing opportunity to edit a commissioned film with incredible scope, brilliant imagery and feature film pacing.” Regarding the opportunity to work with Carl and Dan Swietlik, Williams said that “it doesn’t get better that that.”

Swietlik said that “the story has an interesting arc; starting out in a very slow and subtle way, but ending in a surprisingly chaotic cliffhanger.” Swietlik added that Director Carl Erik Rinsch was “a pleasure to work with because he’s basically a mad scientist with a camera.”

By Lindsey Jones

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